Using the Online Control Panel, it will be easy to manage every aspect of your web presence. You’ll have access to descriptive stats, which will supply you with live information about the hosting resources your web sites are using and also the views they’re getting. You will also find numerous specific info on the platform as a whole. The information is separated into portions, allowing you to quickly find your way around.

Server Specifics

More information about your hosting server

In the Server Information and facts area of the Online Control Panel, you will find details concerning the server your cloud hosting account is located on. You can check out the OS, the actual IP address along with the current Perl/MySQL variations, get more information with regards to the setup Perl modules as well as the incoming and outgoing mail servers, watch the hosting server load, etcetera.

You’ll also find information around the PHP variation without having to set up phpinfo files, and so on.

Hepsia File Manager

Access & Error Logs

Discover how individuals communicate with your site

In the Access & Error Logs part of the Super Hosting Online Control Panel, you can easily activate and keep tabs on the access and error records for the websites hosted within your cloud hosting account. The access log can be described as list of all of the files uploaded on your site (like text files, image files, movie files, etc) that people have asked to view.

The error log can be described as a set of all of the caution and problem notifications linked with your website. It can help you stay away from any kind of eventual issues with the site’s performance.

Hepsia File Manager

Website Stats

The simplest way to keep tabs on visitors’ behaviour

When you run an effective website, it is imperative that you understand a lot about visitors – just how many unique visits your site draws, exactly how many visitors get back to your site, exactly what key phrases visitors utilize to locate your website, and so forth. In the Web Stats Manager part of your Online Control Panel, you will find two traffic stats tools – Webalizer and Awstats that can help you obtain all the information you will need.

The instruments demand no setup. When your site is on the Internet, they will begin collecting details without any effort from you.

Hepsia File Manager

CPU Reports

Keep tabs on your web sites’ CPU load

The web server’s CPU is essential for the communication and interaction between your site and its website visitors. The more sophisticated and resource–utilizing your sites are, the more hosting server assets and CPU time will be required. From the CPU stats part, you are able to keep an eye on which exactly site is using the largest percentage of CPU resources.

You must undertake measures to improve your websites in case the CPU use quota is exceeded. You will see elaborate stats for each day and month and for a full year.

Hepsia File Manager