Using the cloud hosting package, it’s possible to create a private portfolio site, a weblog or even a smaller e–shop. You’ll be able to host one domain name, still you’ll have enough resources to progress with the unlimited disk space and traffic quotas within the plan.
Beginner Package
We're Different
ZFS Storage w/ SSDs - ZFS Mails & MySQL
Raid-Z (ZFS Raid) Browsable Daily Backups 99.9% Uptime Guarantee Domain Backorders No Data Corruption
Beginner hosting at
$3.00/mo.Take a look at our hosting services with a 30 day completely free trial period. No credit card information required.
Website Installer
Start your very own website with a simple click of the mouse
Our cloud hosting plans provide you with a rapid way to develop your own web site, even if you don’t possess any technical expertise. With the Quick Website Installer built into the Super Hosting Online Control Panel, setting up your personal or business web site is unbelievably easy – just select the kind of site you’d like plus a desired web design template. We will set up your new site instantly and will give you information on how to manage it with one mouse click.
24x7 Support
Contact us 24–7
You can get in touch with us 24/7 with any questions that you might have regarding our cloud hosting services. You can get in touch with us via email and through the ticketing system and we’ll reply back to you in up to 1 hour. In fact, our average response time is less than twenty minutes. Furthermore, you can call us on the telephone or use the live support service during working hours.
Free Templates
More than 100 free WordPress and Joomla™ design layouts to choose from
You can easily download a Wordpress or Joomla™ template with just a click from your Online Control Panel. You don’t have to go to any 3rd party websites for first–class design themes. We have a huge selection for you readily integrated into your hosting account. Just pick the web site template that you want and hit the Download button. All web themes are totally free of charge for you.
True Cloud Platform
Take a Tour
We’ve made use of the newest cloud server technologies when building our own hosting system, which is insusceptible to unexpected performance disturbances and network outages. All the services associated with your website such as DNSs, email messages, databases, apps, etcetera are taken care of by different hosting servers so that even if there’s an excessive load problem, your website will still be running seamlessly.
Web App Installer
40+ apps ready to choose from
Installing a web app could be a long and hard process. Unless you have an Apps Installer tool with over 40 available web applications, which you can install with a click of the mouse. We have made the setup as easy as possible, which means that you will no longer need to sacrifice any of your time wondering how to set up your web app. We will keep your login details within the Online Control Panel should you forget your login credentials.
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Service guarantees
- Our plans include zero installation charges together with a 30–day money–back warranty. Our typical reply–back time frame is usually twenty mins.
Compare our prices
- Effortlessly examine the quotas and benefits provided by our website hosting packages. Find out which plan will give you exactly what you need to install and deal with your sites with ease.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- It is possible to get in touch with us while in working hours on the phone for any pre–sale info.